Hi, I’m Jason Kemp

I’m a mixed media artist with formal training in ceramics. I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Georgia State University in 2008. I have decided to pursue an Art Education teaching certificate for K-12 public schools at the University of Georgia with the goal of becoming an art teacher in a public school. Please scroll down for my portfolio.

These are my Core Commitments as an Art Educator:

  • I will Cultivate Creativity in the Studio:

  • My students will explore various artistic mediums, processes, and techniques in order to develop their own creative skills.

  • Projects will encourage imaginative expression and experimentation with conventional and unconventional art making materials.

  • I will embrace inclusive teaching practices:

  • Encourage collaborative projects to celebrate the richness of cultural diversity within the studio classroom.

  • I will provide Individualized Instruction:

  • I will provide differentiated instruction to meet students varying skill levels and learning styles.

  • My students will have opportunities to choose projects based on their personal interests, creating a sense of ownership in their learning.

  • I will strive to create a supportive environment:

  • The studio classroom will be structured to promote a positive and encouraging atmosphere, emphasizing respect for each student's unique perspectives.

  • Studio Classroom rules will be co-created with students, fostering a sense of responsibility and mutual respect.

  • I will provide continuous skill development:

  • Students will receive instruction in fundamental art making techniques, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, digital art, and ceramics.

  • Skill-building activities will be integrated into projects to ensure a balance between creativity and technical proficiency.

Continue to scroll for my art education portfolio:

Case Study~”Intrinsic Motivation”

TAPS Standard 4-Differentiated Instruction

In this particular case study from Colham Ferry Elementary school, I observed and investigated student learning by using research-based strategies to determine possible differentiated instructional solutions for students who were observed lacking “Intrinsic Motivation” in the art classroom.  I theorized that student engagement and motivation could possibly be increased through the adoption of TAB (Teaching Artistic Behavior) teaching strategies to better engage these students in more relevant and active learning.

Lesson Plan~

Miniature Self Portraits

TAPS Standard 1- Professional Knowledge

TAPS Standard 3- Instructional Strategies

TAPS Standard 5- Assessment Strategies

In my 4th-grade lesson plan at Colham Ferry Elementary, I effectively addressed curriculum standards, encouraging higher-level thinking and active student engagement. I connected present content to past and future learning experiences, introducing relevant artists and sharing real-world insights. My teaching approach, aligned with best practices and supported by current research, considered the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of the age group. To assess understanding, I used a variety of assessments for diagnostic, formative, and summative purposes.

Unit Plan~8-Bit Transformations

TAPS Standard 2- Instructional Planning

TAPS Standard 4-Differentiated Instruction

I was able to research and analyze student learning data to inform my initial planning of a unit. I developed a unit plan that is clear, logical, sequential, and integrated across the curriculum. I was able to arrange the unit plan for instruction to meet the needs of all students by preparing differentiated instructional content, processes,and the learning environment to meet individual developmental needs. I connected the lesson objectives to both national and state standards. I was able to develop an age & skill appropriate unit plan for a class of fourth grade learners.

TAPS Standard 9- Professionalism

Attend and Respond to an NAEA Webinar

I was able to participate in an ongoing professional growth activitity based on identified areas for improvement by attending and responding to a National Art Education Association Webinar.

TAPS Standard 1- Professional Knowledge

TAPS Standard 2- Instructional Planning

TAPS Standard 3- Instructional Strategies

TAPS Standard 5- Assessment Strategies Curriculum Map (TAPS Standards 1, 2, & 5)

I was able to connect current content to past and future learning experiences, other subject areas, and real-world applications in my curriculum map. I utilized national standards, as well as effective strategies, resources, and data to tailor the curriculum to address the diverse needs of all students.

My knowledge of the subject matter is up-to-date. I actively used student learning data to guide my curriculum planning. The lesson plans I developed are clear, logical, sequential, and integrated across the curriculum map. The curriculum map is grounded in research-based instructional strategies and actively engages students in the learning process.

Lastly, my curriculum map encourages student involvement in setting learning goals and monitoring their progress in art making. I possess the ability to adapt assessments to discern individual student needs and track their progress effectively..